Last blog post, we looked at the story of Ruth through the lens of history. We considered the perspective of Boaz, Naomi, and Ruth—what they knew in their day. In this post, we are going to zoom the focus of our telescope out a bit. We’re going to look from the vantage point of the time of the author’s writing of the Book of Ruth. Jump on in!
The Book of Ruth could have been written any time after David was king (approximately 1000 BC). We know this because the author included David as the pinnacle of the genealogy at the end of the Book of Ruth. Nobody knows exactly when during the period of Judges that Ruth’s story took place, or even precisely when it was later authored. But the understanding is that Ruth was written at least one hundred years after the actual events of Ruth.
What the author knew from his perspective, that Boaz and friends couldn’t have seen, is that the awful period of the Judges would END (friends…weeping may endure for the night, but joy comes with the morning). Let’s be encouraged. God knows how to rescue His own. He “causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose” (Rom. 8:28). In hindsight, God’s rescue in Naomi and Ruth’s lives is powerful and reassuring.
The author also knew that a godly king would rule on the throne of Israel from the tribe of Judah. Boaz and Ruth, though they had renewed hope, didn’t know that God had worked in their everyday lives to preserve the line of the future king of Israel! Boaz and friends didn’t know that their future great grandchild, David, would be a king after God’s own heart. But one hundred plus years later, the author knew and rejoiced.
"But one hundred plus years later, the author knew and rejoiced."
It is thought that the writer of the Book of Ruth included the genealogy to affirm David’s lineage as the rightful king from the tribe of Judah. This was a fulfillment of Jacob’s prophecy to his son, Judah (Gen. 49:10). During the reigns of David/Solomon the nation of Israel was at its zenith. There was much to be exuberant over. God’s chosen king was ruling in Israel.
From the time of Ruth to the time of the author, and on to our time, you can see that God’s master plan is marching on! Join me in the next blog post as we wrap up Ruth's story by looking at it through the lens of our current times.
Study the Book of Revelation, https://www.nancygemaehlich-author.com/comelordjesus-biblestudy