Knowing Jesus by His Names:
Growing Closer to Christ Through His
Names and Titles
A women's Bible study by Nancy Gemaehlich

Jesus has given us a robust, multifaceted image of who He is through His names in the Bible.
Whether you are intimately connected to the ways our Savior has revealed Himself, or you are unfamiliar with the fuller picture of who Christ is—we all want to know Him more. We want to worship Him in Spirit and truth. We want to know Him as He has made Himself known.
If you know Jesus as a Friend, now take time to know Him as your Advocate. Already know Jesus as Bridegroom? Then, take time to know Him as the Holy and Righteous One. Are you most comfortable relating to Jesus as Savior? Good, now get to know Him as Lord of Lords.
Join the journey through Knowing Jesus by His Names!
Knowing Jesus by His Names women's Bible study guide is a full-color, artistically depicted journey through twenty-eight of the names and titles of Jesus Christ. It is a seven-week study with four individual days of study each week and a prayer/praise focus at the end of each week. This study is suitable for individuals or groups. Video lessons are included.