Hello, my name is Nancy Gemaehlich, and I am a Bible study author and freelance writer. Please peruse my books, blog, events, recent releases, and articles.

You asked, and it's here!
Volume two of The Psalms of the Bible: Being refreshed and strengthened in the Psalms!
A Women's Bible Study Guide
The Psalms of the Bible: Being Refreshed and Strengthened in the Psalms is your guide to diving deep into the richness of the Psalms! Author Nancy Gemaehlich provides insights and Bible study tools to help you engage with the psalmist’s songs and prayers. The Psalms of Scripture uniquely help us open our hearts before the Lord to seek and worship Him with all we are! Video lessons are included.
Volume Two of The Psalms of the Bible covers Books 2 and 3 of the Psalter (Psalms 42-89). It is a twelve-week study covering four psalms each week, suitable for individuals and groups.
Enter into the Psalms like never before!

A Women's Bible Study Guide
Jesus has given us a robust, multifaceted image of who He is through His names in the Bible. Whether you are intimately connected to the ways our Savior has revealed Himself, or you are unfamiliar with the fuller picture of who Christ is—we all want to know Him more. We want to worship Him in Spirit and truth. We want to know Him as He has made Himself known.
If you know Jesus as a Friend, now take time to know Him as your Advocate. Already know Jesus as Bridegroom? Then, take time to know Him as the Holy and Righteous One. Are you most comfortable relating to Jesus as Savior? Good, now get to know Him as Lord of Lords.
Join the journey through Knowing Jesus by His Names!
Video lessons included.

A Women's Bible Study Guide
I’m continually amazed by the fulfillment of Old Testament Scriptures regarding our Savior and King. They never fail to take my breath away! The disciple, Matthew, learned from his Master how to bring “out of his treasure things new and old” (Matthew 13:52). In other words, more than any other gospel writer, Matthew ties Old Testament Scriptures to the realities of our New Testament messianic King.
Matthew gained wisdom by being covered in his Rabbi’s dust. This expression relates to this former tax collector’s willingness to leave all and follow Jesus. Christ and His disciples walked together, ate, ministered, rested, and celebrated together. Jesus’ wisdom Jesus’ wisdom was imparted to these committed followers.
In Dusty Sandals: A Woman’s Walk Through the Prophecies and Promises of Matthew, you will discover how Old Testament prophecies are fulfilled in Jesus! Additionally, you will be challenged to grow as a follower of Christ. Matthew composes his account, passing on words of life, shaping a new generation of disciples like you and me. Jump into this study and walk the dusty roads of Israel, learning from our Rabbi, Lord, and King!
Video lessons included.
A Women's Bible Study Guide
Why did God give us the book of Revelation? And what’s more, why did He promise a blessing to those who read it and heed its words? The book of Revelation is the consummation of God’s grand story that He has given to us as an anchor and a hope for our lives. Come Lord Jesus: A Woman’s Walk—Spirit, Body & Soul—Through the Book of Revelation will guide you on a journey through this important book of the Bible encouraging you to experience spirit, body, and soul the Lord’s message to His church. In this 16-week Bible study (two eight-week sessions) you will engage in worship, prayer, witness, creativity, and connection with God and others. Video companions are available for each lesson. Studying the book of Revelation is truly a blessing that the Lord has given us for our lives. Let’s dive in together to know Him more!
A Women's Bible Study Guide
The author of the book of James is a man on a mission: God's mission. He strategically communicates truth forcefully at times, and by the leading of the Holy Spirit, his message is always right on time. He speaks to his fellow believer's adventures and misadventures in their faith. James' epistle directs us to draw upon God's wisdom to navigate the traps of temptation. Moreover, James illustrates the value and beauty of patient perseverance until the day of Christ. Through this epistle, we receive encouragement and exhortation from our sovereign God, enabling us to develop a perfect faith, a mature faith, a faith that will not fail.
Volume One
A Women's Bible Study Guide
The Psalms of the Bible, Volume One is a wonderful adventure studying and meditating on Psalms 1-41. Each day, as you read a psalm, you will find "Study Tips" to help you understand and apply the psalm as you practice solid Bible study skills. This study includes "Discussion Questions," a "Leader's Guide," and video lessons. The Psalms of the Bible is suitable as a group or an individual study. You will be richly rewarded as you travel through Psalms 1-41. There is no better place to be refreshed and strengthened than in the Psalms!
A Book for Teens
A delightful collection of biblical proverbs that have been grouped by topic to help teenagers in their journey toward wisdom. Because a picture is worth a thousand words, Proverbs to Live By includes illustrations that help "paint the picture." These illustrations were created by a teen to help engage other teens in their quest for wisdom!
Nancy will be leading an in-person Bible study through The Psalms of the Bible: Being refreshed and strengthened through the Psalms, Vol. 2.
The study kick off will be held on Monday, February 10th, 2025, 1:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Regular study times are Mondays, 2/17 to 5/5, from 2:00 to 4:00 pm.
Location: Calvary Chapel Honey Creek, 115 West Street, Celina, Texas 75009
Additional information is available here.
If you live in the DFW area and would like to attend, you can contact us HERE.